Nelson Ayala

Gaviota que ve lejos, vuela alto.
Las gaviotas, como es bien sabido, nunca se atascan, nunca se detienen. Detenerse en medio del vuelo es para ellas vergüenza, y es deshonor. Pero yo no
quiero honores. No tengo ningún deseo de ser líder. Sólo quiero compartir lo que he
encontrado, y mostrar esos nuevos horizontes que nos están esperando.
Richard Bach’s, “Juan Salvador Gaviota.”
For the past 35 years, i have kept a copy of Richard Bach’s fabled book entitled, “Juan Salvador Gaviota” on my bedroom nightstand. Emblazoned on the cover is an illustration of a white seagull in mid soar flying against a navy blue backdrop of the nightly sky. In 1970, I was only twelve years old when the book was first published and
assigned to us in grade school but ever since then I have always admired the Gaviota’s tenacity to reach his untapped potential while never forgetting where he came from. To this day It has always served as my “go to” book and never ceases to surprise me every time i pick it up. After all, it is the story of seagull learning about life
and flight, and a homily about self-perfection. The seagull knew better, and avoided the path of least resistance and in the words of Robert Frost, “chose the path least taken and that has made all the difference.”
Milestones give us a perspective and, often, a sense of accomplishment. They allow us to see just how far we’ve come and just how far our plight’s purpose remains to be seen and proclaimed. I am who I am today, thanks, in part to the two families I have
shared and have spent the past 35 years of my life with. They are comprised of my wife, and two children, first and foremost, and the clients and staff team members of Ayala, Vado & Associates whose unwavering loyalty, perseverance and entrepreneurial spirit continues to ignite my and the firm’s steadfast dedication, fiduciary due diligence and commitment to proudly serve the Washington DC,
Maryland and Virginia metropolitan regions as a Hispanic owned and operated public accounting firm.
Para volar tan rápido como el pensamiento y a cualquier sitio que exista, debes empezar por saber que ya has llegado… No creas lo que tus ojos te dicen. Sólo muestran limitaciones. Mira con tu entendimiento, descubre lo que ya sabes, y hallarás la manera de volar.
Richard Bach’s, “Juan Salvador Gaviota.”

In Spanish there is a saying that goes, “Yo nacie corriendo!” In English it literally means, “I was born running!” And i have always believed i was born to run and catch the American dream, MY American dream for both myself, and my family.
In what once was a dilapidated, underdeveloped yet thriving neighborhood of Mount Pleasant, NW back in the Spring of 1986, my partner and I at the time hired our very first staff of 5 employees and squeezed into a row-house rental office unit the size of a shoe-box. Our clientele consisted of only 20 accounts.
Most of whom were my friends and family. But together as a collectively united and emerging force emanating an entrepreneurial spirit, they too were in pursuit of their American dreams. To this day, I am privileged to still provide professional
accounting and tax services to those original 20 clients.
Needless to say, neighborhoods and wards such as Columbia Heights, U- Street/Cardozo and Mount Pleasant were no strangers to the socio-economic effects brought on by the lack of empowerment and increased populace of underrepresented and underserved communities whom ironically, were predominately comprised of Hispanic and Minority small business owners. One
of those small business owners, was myself. Just as the Gaviota risked the safety net of his home to fulfill its highest potential, i too took flight that fateful Winter of 2002.
Even a seagull like the Gaviota, knew that patience is a virtue and knowledge is
power. Subsequently, upon a 10 year span of successfully procuring and
fostering reputable relationships and building new platforms for small Hispanic
and Minority businesses and entrepreneurs, our firm was able to amass lucrative
networking, business financing and investment opportunities between our clients,
financial institutions and other local industries of business.
Today, I am fortunate to be able to bear witness once again the commercial and
residential infrastructure revitalization that will transform and redevelop Columbia
Heights, NW DC . It will be our 15th year here at 3501 14th Street NW and proudly
serving over 350 plus accounts.
Much of the growth of Ayala and Associates is attributed without a doubt to the
incredible team of 15 senior and junior staff accountants, payroll specialists, CPA’s,
and Enrolled Agents spearheaded by a talented cohort, business colleague and whom i am proud to call my business partner Mrs. Mariela Vado as of January 2017. It goes without being said that at Ayala, Vado and Associates we truly love and are
passionate about the services we provided and will continue to provide. As the saying
goes and has become our daily mantra here at Ayala, Vado and Associates, “ Do
something you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life again.”